Wednesday, November 20, 2013

QR Codes: Another Sample Assignment

Melissa Olmstead is my co-worker at another High School, we both teach with ipads and I love the lessons she creates!  I hope you enjoy seeing them as well!  She has graciously agreed to be our guest and share many of her lessons that she created to utilize the ipads effectively.  Here is another lesson she created using QR Codes in a Foods Class.  

Example of an Assignment Using QR Codes

QR Mystery Clues Nutrient Review

Work with your group to create QR Mystery Clues for your nutrient. Create a sequence of at least 5 QR codes. Each code needs to provide small pieces of information about your nutrient. As your audience scans each code, they will get a clue and try to guess what the topic is. At the end, the last code will provide the answer and a link to more information about the topic.  You can use a variety of QR code creators such as, QR Code Maker, QRStuff, Kaywa, and Delivr, to create your QR codes.

Your assignment needs to include:
·       At least 5 QR Code Mystery Clues about your nutrient.
·       Accurate information about your nutrient
·       A Final QR Code with the answer(the nutrient name) and a link to more information about that nutrient

Nutrient QR Codes Performance Criteria List

                                                                                           Points Possible    Points Earned

Key Traits:
Includes accurate facts or information about               10
the topic area

Includes a final QR Code with the nutrient                  5

Answer and a link to more information
Includes at least 5 QR Codes                                        5

                                                               Totals  : ___________


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