Monday, November 4, 2013

Child Abuse and Neglect iPad Project

Here is a project I am about to do with my students in Early Childhood Education.  I went over a Power Point with the students, we evaluated statistics, students have access to the Power Point on their iPads (through Edmodo), they completed a research assignment on their iPads, and they filled out a graphic organizer about each of the four types of abuse (and the physical/behavior indicators of abuse).  Students will use everything we've done in the unit to put this project together. 

Students have the ability to choose which app they would like to use, some love this and thrive in this situation while others are very uncomfortable and want to be told which app to use.  I usually make a recommendation based on each students ability level.  I tend to direct them to Educreations because it is user friendly and easy to use.  I show them how to insert words and pictures and give them time to explore the app before checking back in with them to make sure they are set up for success.

Students need to get comfortable with the fact that they will need to figure an app out and this involves pushing buttons, just push the button and see what happens!  In order for students to successfully complete in the workforce they will need the ability to problem solve, make decisions, and create presentations such as the one below.  This project is not only intended to allow them to deepen their understanding of the content but also to prepare them for the world of work.  Students who are given worksheets and told exactly what to do and when to do it cannot not gain crucial employable skills.  Giving students so much "voice and choice" on their projects will teach them skills such as problem solving, decision making, time management, and so much more. 

This project will probably take my students four or five days.  Because we've done so much prep work and they have completed so many assignments about the topic they do not need to spend time researching so I will give them four days to assemble their final product.  Some may need more time and I do make the call to accept work late as long as a student uses his/her time in class wisely (we also have thirty minutes of intervention time built into every day, which allows me to provide one-on-one coaching to those students who struggle with technology and may need more time to complete the assignment). 

I am still figuring out how long it will take students to complete work on the iPad, there are many factors to consider beyond just their ability to understand the content, they need to be able to use the technology to create a professional product as well.  Due to the unknown of how long this will take I set a due date, but know that I will have to take some late and that is okay.  Accepting late work is an individual teaching decision, I choose not to deduct points on late assignments because students learned the same material as the rest of the class, regardless of when it was done.  As I learn how to use iPads I need to be more flexible and know that students are getting comfortable with them too!

I will have to grade each project on each individual ipad and while it is time consuming and frustrating it allows me to build relationships with individual students, provide immediate feedback (without having to write it down, unless the student needs that from me then I will write down things they need to correct to get credit)..  I will grade this project while they work on the introductory assignment to the next unit and I will plan my lessons in a way that will allow me the time to do this.  I hardly ever grade anything on individual ipads but I do on rare occasions like this. 

Child Abuse and Neglect Presentation
Early Childhood Education
You are going to use the information you researched on Child Abuse and Neglect to create a project on your iPad to share information with your classmates.  Your project will answer this question:

What do I need to know about Child Abuse to help prevent/stop it?

Objective: I can describe what Child Abuse is, I know what I will have to do as a mandated reporter.  I can identify signs that a child may be a victim of child abuse,, and I know who to contact when I think a child has been hurt.

Your project must include the following information:

1.      Describe the four types of abuse and describe indicators (physical and behavioral) that a child is potentially being hurt).   

a.       Physical

b.      Sexual

c.       Neglect

d.      Emotional

2.      Define a mandated reporter

3.      List/Explain signs of abuse

4.      Include Statistics/Pictures/ Facts

5.      Give instructions on who to contact if you think a child is being abused (be sure to include the phone number for your local DSHS, which can be found on a search engine). 

Your project is going to be like a power point but using an app of your choice on the iPad.  There are many apps that act like a Power Point.  Think of each “page” as a slide.  You want to include words, pictures, and anything else you think your audience need to know.   

You may use the following Apps:

ü  Story Buddy 2

ü  Book Magic

ü  Cloud On (has an actual Power Point like option)

ü  Haiku Deck

ü  Prezi

o may be better than the Prezi app

ü  Educreations

ü  Cute Cut (you could make a Public Service Announcement

If you would like to use an app that is not listed here please get approval from your teacher.  Make sure your project answers the numbered questions above

Child Abuse and Neglect Project Rubric 
10-8 Points
7-6 Points
5-4 Points
3-0 Points
Content - Accuracy
All facts in the project are accurate.
99-90% of the facts in the project are accurate.
89-80% of the facts in the project are accurate.
Fewer than 80% of the facts in the project are accurate.
Spelling & Proofreading
No spelling errors
No more than 1 spelling error
No more than 3 spelling errors
Several spelling errors in the project.
Attractive, Organized, and Professional in Appearance
The project has exceptionally attractive formatting, professional, and  well-organized information.
The project has attractive formatting, professional and well-organized information.
The project has well-organized information.
The project's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader.
Types of Abuse Identified
All four types of abuse are correctly identified
At least three types of abuse are correctly identified
Two types of Abuse are correctly identified
One or less type of abuse is identified
Components of Project
All requirements met (information includes: mandated reporter, signs of abuse, facts and statistics, and how to contact DSHS)
Most components met
One or more sections missing
Missing more than 2 sections


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