Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mind Map App-Sample Lesson

Mind Map Apps
There are many mind map apps out there.  My favorite is Total Recall.  Other good mind map apps include: Popplet, Graphio, and Lino.  Again, all of these are free apps.
Some mind map apps do not require you to sign in and out, other's do.  If you have more than one section of each class then students can see each other's work, change it, delete it, or claim it as their own.  I figured out a trick for this issue, as always I'm happy to share!  Have one class use one app and another class use a DIFFERENT app that does the same thing!  For do this assignment 1st hour will use Popplet and Second Hour will use Total Recall.  I just have to remember to change the name of the app on the assignment.   They don't know the other information is there, some may find it but this is where your relationship with your students come into play.  This is also why apps that you sign in and out of such as Lino are so great.  All of your sections/classes can use the same app.

This assignment is a great example of a quick in class assignment.  I do this in Early Childhood Education for the Diversity unit, it is an introduction.  I want students to go on the Internet and evaluate a variety of sources to form conclusions and make connections.  This assignment is a great way to do that.  It can take one 50 minute period or less.

*A note about my teaching style.  I try not to put exact numbers on every assignment because if I told students to make a mind map with 10 bubbles they would only put 10 bubbles on the mind map!  What if they are capable of 20, but another student is only capable of 7?  This is something that they work on until I say stop (which is usually at the end of a song, I use music for classroom management).  I will say something like, "Lets see how much you can get done in three songs!" 

I can grade this several ways
  1. I have them show me their mind map for points when the turn their ipads into the cart at the end of the period, they are so easy to grade that way!
  2. They can turn it into Edmodo where I can look more closely at their work.

Diversity Mind Map
Early Childhood Education

Part I: Using the App on your ipad called Total Recall.  Make a mind map that includes these three words:

  • Please include the word and the definition

Part II: Internet Research
Look on the Internet for information about Diversity and add as much information to your mind map as you can.  We will work for the length of two songs.  When the second song ends be prepared to share your mind map with a small group. 

How to turn in your assignment:
Please take a screen shot of your mind map and turn it in using Edmodo.

*To take a Screen Shot: You hold down the power button on the side of the ipad and the home button on the front at the same time and then release both buttons quickly, your screen will flash go white to indicate a picture is being taken.  You will then see your screen shot in your photos.  **You may want to save your photo to your Dropbox to keep it safe because anyone else who uses this ipad can access your photos.

Criteria for Credit:
ü  Part I must be Complete
ü  Part II includes valuable information from a variety of sources on the Internet
ü  Multiple bubbles are on your mind map
ü  Your mind map has many connections (lines) you made from reading different source

Score: ____/30

*You can earn 15 points per section. 

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