Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Daily Lesson Using Multiple Apps

I use ipads every day in every class.  I don't always do big elaborate projects, here is a regular daily assignment I created for Human Development.  Students are learning about Marriage.  I will give them two whole days in class to complete this assignment.  I want to get them out on the Internet to teach them to research, evaluate information on-line, and see how many resources exist to help people have a better marriage. 

Human Development

You are going to complete several tasks on your ipad to deepen your understanding of marriage.  You will use the following apps: Safari (Internet), TED, and Evernote.

Part I: Letter to future spouse
You are going to write a letter to your future husband/wife. What do you want your future husband or wife to know? You are going to write a letter to your future spouse telling them whatever you think they need to know to help make your marriage last.  Your letter needs to be at least 3 paragraphs.   

 You could include things like:

ü  What you will do for him/her

ü  What they need to know about you

ü  Things you’ve learned in class that will help your marriage last


Part II: TED Talk
Use your ipad and find the app called Ted.  You are going to watch a Ted Talk on Marriage.  Please touch the search icon on the lower right part of the screen.  Then type in the name of the Talk:
                        Jenna McCarthy: What you don’t know about Marriage

After you watch the Ted talk please answer these reflection questions:
1.      What was the talk about?

2.      What was the most helpful information?

Part III: Internet Research

Use the Safari app on your ipad and do a search on Successful Marriage Tips. 
·        List Five tips on how to have a successful marriage in the box below
o   Do not copy and paste, you need to put things in your own words
o   Be sure to include the link to where you got the information.  There is a sample for you in the first box.

Sample Have fun with each other!  Enjoy one another!

 Part IV Divorce:
1.      The other side of Marriage is Divorce.  List three reasons that couples get a divorce.

2.      List three ways to avoid getting a divorce. 

3.      How many marriages end in divorce?

This is how the assignment will be graded. 

Part I:
Well written, no mistakes, and several tips (discussed in class or from the Internet) on how you will have a successful marriage are included.
Well written, two or three grammar/convention mistakes, a couple of tips on what you will do to  have a successful marriage are included
A little confusing, 3-5 grammar/ convention mistakes, not many tips on what you will do have a successful marriage.
Section missing or more than 5 grammar/ convention mistakes, no tips on how you will have a successful marriage. 

 Part II: Ted Talk

0-5 Points
Question 1
Question 2

Part III: Internet Research

10 Points
Five Tips Included

Part IV: Divorce
Score: ____/14

Part IV: Divorce
See Points below for each Question
Question 1: Three Listed (Two Points per question-six total)
Question 2: Three Listed (6 Points Total)
Question 3: (Worth 2)points)

*I apologize for the formatting issue with the text box here, I copied and pasted this assignment from Microsoft Word and the format was altered.  Site won't let me change it. 



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