Friday, December 6, 2013

Other Great Resources: Blogs

Here are some other great resources:

A Blog by some staff members in the technology department (for another district):

A website from an Instructional Technology Specialist

Web Tools: Students don't need to register for these

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Family Life Cycle Visual-Human Development

I teach a unit on Families in my Human Development Class.  I have a Power Point with the notes below on it.  Then I have students make a visual representation of the Family Life Cycle using their iPad.  I used to have my students draw a visual of the Family Life Cycle by hand, then I had them fill out a chart on the computer (which I posted below for your viewing pleasure).  The most recent assignment forces them to to use higher level thinking skills and be creative to complete this assignment.  Students have more voice and choice then my handing them a worksheet to fill out.  They can learn to become decision making, free thinking, leaders!  Just the student I was hoping to have leave my room when my time with them is done!

Here are the Notes I go over, my notes have pictures that represent each stage but I was not able to get them to load on this site AND I was not sure if there were copyright issues so I just left them off.  I put a copy of the notes in Edmodo so students can follow along with me as I go over them (some students learn better with the information in their hand rather than up on a projector).  Students can also refer back to the notes as needed while working on the assignment:

Family Life Cycle NOTES
Human Development

This is the typical cycle a family goes through. Remember, there are always exceptions in Social Sciences because people are so different!  Some people may do this differently and that is neither good or bad, it just is. 

There is no set of time to be in each stage.  I was in the “Beginning Stage” for 8 years!  I did not start the "Parenting Stage" until I was 31 years old!

Beginning Stage: Focus on adjusting to married life, establishing roles, getting to know your spouse on a deeper level

Childbearing Stage: Focus on birth of children, needs of children, new responsibilities, role conflicts may occur between husband and wife as they each adjust to the demands of parenthood

Parenting Stage: Focus on reorganization of the family around school age children

Launching Stage: Children leave home for college/career/ marriage/etc.  Children may return home several times before moving out for good (seems to be more common now)

Middle-Years Stage: Focus on preparing for retirement, parents become grandparents, exploring new hobbies

Aging Stage: During retirement people tend to focus on friends, hobbies, interests, and traveling

Family Life Cycle Assignment
Students use ipads to compete this section

Please make a visual of the Family Life Cycle.  For each stage you need to include:  
  1. The Name of the stage
  2.  A picture of a family in that stage
  3. Describe each stage using a complete sentence
A visual could be:
  • A collage
  • A Mind Map
You could choose from the following apps:
  • Pic Collage (one collage per stage of the Life Cycle)
  • Popplet Lite (make a mind map with Family Life Cycle in the middle and each stage branching off of it)
  • Total Recall (another mind map app)
  • Graphio
  • Lino
  • Moodboard
*I would choose Pic Collage
You will be graded using the following criteria:
  • Each Slide/Stage is worth NINE points (three points for a picture, three points for a label, and three points for the description).
  • Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation all Count towards the three points per required element on slide
  • Attractiveness, professionalism, and overall appearance are also included in the three points per required element.
DUE: __________________
Old Assignment:  
Just for your information.  Here is the assignment I created for this lesson B.I. (Before iPads).  You could actually do this assignment using the ipads by posting it in Edmodo and having students copy and paste it to Evernote.  It would take on a more worksheet-like feel though.  Filling out boxes doesn't exactly foster higher level thinking skills.  The way students must work with and interpret the information below does though.  Both of the assignments could be used together though.  This older assignment could be given to students first to help student build a solid foundation of understanding and then the iPad visual could be an anchor activity for students who finish early OR it could be a review activity further down the road.  Oh the possibilities! 
Family Life Cycle
Human Development
Directions: You are going to fill out the chart below about the Family Life Cycle.  It is a normal cycle a family goes though.   In the middle column you will write something that someone in that stage might say, basically what you would hear in that house.   In the third column you will need to find a picture of what that that family might look like in that stage. 
Give an example of a statement you might hear in the house of a couple in this stage
Picture of what this stage looks like
Beginning Stage:
The couple is focusing on adjusting to married life
Childbearing Stage:
Focus on birth of children, needs of children, new responsibilities, role conflicts may occur
Parenting Stage:
Focus on reorganization of the family around school age children
Launching Stage:
Children leave home for college, career, and/or marriage
Middle-Years Stage:
Focus on preparing for retirement, parents become grandparents,
Aging Stage:
During retirement people tend to focus on friends, hobbies, interests, and traveling

Career Research Project-Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education

 We’ve been learning about kids to help you work in a Child Care or Early Learning Center, now you have the opportunity to learn about actual careers you can choose from.   You are going to select one job you would like to learn more about and then you will do a project using the information you find.  You will share your project with a small group of other students so be prepared to present/talk about whatever project you choose to do for Part II below. 

 Use the WOIS Website.  A site the school pays for with a lot of information about careers.


Here is an on-line brochure on Careers in Early Childhood Education:

 Part I: Research
Objective/Goal: I have learned more about a career in Early Childhood Education to help me plan for my future.

  1. Go to
  2. On the left hand side of the screen you will see a box—type this password (the website calls it a “Site Key”) ________
  3. Click on the Occupations link (left hand side of screen, it is a green button.
  4. Pick a job/career from the very long list!  It must be a job that involves working with children because this class is ECE.  These can include (but are not limited to):
a.       Child Care Provider, Pre-School Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Pediatrician, Social Worker, Nanny/Baby-Sitter, Coach, Disability Specialist, Nutritionist, Social Services Coordinator, Community Care Licensing Analyst, Resource and Referral Specialist, Playground Aide, Family Child Care Home Owner, Home Visitor, Family Services Worker, etc.

5.      Use the information on the WOIS page to answer the questions below.
a)      Job Title (name of job):

b)      Why did you choose this career?

c)      What kind of work would you do at this job?

d)      What skills and abilities do you have that would make you good at this job?

e)      What are the working conditions like? Would you like working in these conditions? Why or why not?

f)        What training or education do you need to get in order to get this job?

g)      Where could you go to school to get this job?

h)      What is the job outlook for the future (Outlook is the future of this job-will they have openings when you are done with school)?

i)        How much do you think you would earn at the start of this job?

Part II: Project
You are going to create a presentation to share with a small group of your classmates.  Please choose from the apps below and be sure to include the information from Part I. 

Suggested Project Ideas: 

Power Point like Apps:
Ø  Educreations: Power Point Like
Ø  Cloud On
Ø  Prezi
Ø  Haiku Deck
Ø  Pic Collage (treat each page of the collage like a Power Point slide)
Misc. Options
Ø  Cute Cut (make a mini movie)
Ø  Sock Puppets (Create a Skit about the career you researched)
Ø  Pic Collage (treat each page of the collage like a Power Point slide)
Write a Children’s Book
Ø  Story Buddy Lite
Ø Book Magic
Ø  Scribble My Story
Make a Mind Map:
Ø  Lino
Ø  Moodboard lite
Ø  Popplet

Due:   _________________

Please see the rubric below for how this will be graded

Career Project Rubric
Early Childhood Education

Part I
All questions are answered in students own words using complete sentences.
All questions were answered in students own words but not all sentences were complete.
Most of the questions were answered in most of the students own words and less than half are complete sentences.
Missing questions, copied and pasted, incomplete sentences
Part II
The project is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.
The project is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.
The project is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy.
The project is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive.
Use of Class Time
Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others.
Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others.
Used some of the time well during each class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others.
Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others.
Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the project.
There is 1 error in capitalization or punctuation.
There are 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation.
There are more than 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation.
There are no grammatical mistakes on the project.
There is 1 grammatical mistake on the project.
There are 2 grammatical mistakes on the project.
There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes on the project.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mind Map App-Sample Lesson

Mind Map Apps
There are many mind map apps out there.  My favorite is Total Recall.  Other good mind map apps include: Popplet, Graphio, and Lino.  Again, all of these are free apps.
Some mind map apps do not require you to sign in and out, other's do.  If you have more than one section of each class then students can see each other's work, change it, delete it, or claim it as their own.  I figured out a trick for this issue, as always I'm happy to share!  Have one class use one app and another class use a DIFFERENT app that does the same thing!  For do this assignment 1st hour will use Popplet and Second Hour will use Total Recall.  I just have to remember to change the name of the app on the assignment.   They don't know the other information is there, some may find it but this is where your relationship with your students come into play.  This is also why apps that you sign in and out of such as Lino are so great.  All of your sections/classes can use the same app.

This assignment is a great example of a quick in class assignment.  I do this in Early Childhood Education for the Diversity unit, it is an introduction.  I want students to go on the Internet and evaluate a variety of sources to form conclusions and make connections.  This assignment is a great way to do that.  It can take one 50 minute period or less.

*A note about my teaching style.  I try not to put exact numbers on every assignment because if I told students to make a mind map with 10 bubbles they would only put 10 bubbles on the mind map!  What if they are capable of 20, but another student is only capable of 7?  This is something that they work on until I say stop (which is usually at the end of a song, I use music for classroom management).  I will say something like, "Lets see how much you can get done in three songs!" 

I can grade this several ways
  1. I have them show me their mind map for points when the turn their ipads into the cart at the end of the period, they are so easy to grade that way!
  2. They can turn it into Edmodo where I can look more closely at their work.

Diversity Mind Map
Early Childhood Education

Part I: Using the App on your ipad called Total Recall.  Make a mind map that includes these three words:

  • Please include the word and the definition

Part II: Internet Research
Look on the Internet for information about Diversity and add as much information to your mind map as you can.  We will work for the length of two songs.  When the second song ends be prepared to share your mind map with a small group. 

How to turn in your assignment:
Please take a screen shot of your mind map and turn it in using Edmodo.

*To take a Screen Shot: You hold down the power button on the side of the ipad and the home button on the front at the same time and then release both buttons quickly, your screen will flash go white to indicate a picture is being taken.  You will then see your screen shot in your photos.  **You may want to save your photo to your Dropbox to keep it safe because anyone else who uses this ipad can access your photos.

Criteria for Credit:
ü  Part I must be Complete
ü  Part II includes valuable information from a variety of sources on the Internet
ü  Multiple bubbles are on your mind map
ü  Your mind map has many connections (lines) you made from reading different source

Score: ____/30

*You can earn 15 points per section. 

Daily Lesson Using Multiple Apps

I use ipads every day in every class.  I don't always do big elaborate projects, here is a regular daily assignment I created for Human Development.  Students are learning about Marriage.  I will give them two whole days in class to complete this assignment.  I want to get them out on the Internet to teach them to research, evaluate information on-line, and see how many resources exist to help people have a better marriage. 

Human Development

You are going to complete several tasks on your ipad to deepen your understanding of marriage.  You will use the following apps: Safari (Internet), TED, and Evernote.

Part I: Letter to future spouse
You are going to write a letter to your future husband/wife. What do you want your future husband or wife to know? You are going to write a letter to your future spouse telling them whatever you think they need to know to help make your marriage last.  Your letter needs to be at least 3 paragraphs.   

 You could include things like:

ü  What you will do for him/her

ü  What they need to know about you

ü  Things you’ve learned in class that will help your marriage last


Part II: TED Talk
Use your ipad and find the app called Ted.  You are going to watch a Ted Talk on Marriage.  Please touch the search icon on the lower right part of the screen.  Then type in the name of the Talk:
                        Jenna McCarthy: What you don’t know about Marriage

After you watch the Ted talk please answer these reflection questions:
1.      What was the talk about?

2.      What was the most helpful information?

Part III: Internet Research

Use the Safari app on your ipad and do a search on Successful Marriage Tips. 
·        List Five tips on how to have a successful marriage in the box below
o   Do not copy and paste, you need to put things in your own words
o   Be sure to include the link to where you got the information.  There is a sample for you in the first box.

Sample Have fun with each other!  Enjoy one another!

 Part IV Divorce:
1.      The other side of Marriage is Divorce.  List three reasons that couples get a divorce.

2.      List three ways to avoid getting a divorce. 

3.      How many marriages end in divorce?

This is how the assignment will be graded. 

Part I:
Well written, no mistakes, and several tips (discussed in class or from the Internet) on how you will have a successful marriage are included.
Well written, two or three grammar/convention mistakes, a couple of tips on what you will do to  have a successful marriage are included
A little confusing, 3-5 grammar/ convention mistakes, not many tips on what you will do have a successful marriage.
Section missing or more than 5 grammar/ convention mistakes, no tips on how you will have a successful marriage. 

 Part II: Ted Talk

0-5 Points
Question 1
Question 2

Part III: Internet Research

10 Points
Five Tips Included

Part IV: Divorce
Score: ____/14

Part IV: Divorce
See Points below for each Question
Question 1: Three Listed (Two Points per question-six total)
Question 2: Three Listed (6 Points Total)
Question 3: (Worth 2)points)

*I apologize for the formatting issue with the text box here, I copied and pasted this assignment from Microsoft Word and the format was altered.  Site won't let me change it. 
